

How To Make A YouTube Channel: 5 Steps to Success.

How To Make A YouTube Channel: 5 Steps to Success.

You've seen them on your feed: a hot new YouTuber with a cheeky personality and a million subscribers. Actually, the truth is that you haven't. Statistically speaking, more than half of YouTube channels will never amass 1,000 followers. But there's one thing they have in common: they want to grow their channel.

In this article, I'll be teaching you how to make a YouTube channel from scratch! From choosing a niche to building an audience, from getting on the right social media platforms to understanding what it means to monetize your videos, I'll teach you everything you need to know. Read on for 5 steps on how to make a successful YouTube channel today.

The basics of a YouTube channel

Your YouTube channel is your online persona. It's the best way to showcase who you are and what you do, and it's also a great way to grow your audience.

The first step in creating a successful YouTube channel is to choose a niche. There are plenty of niches to choose from lifestyle, beauty, fashion, comedy, cooking, fitness, or any other topic that interests you. Once you've picked your topic, it's time to create an account on YouTube.

You'll need a professional-sounding username for your channel. It should be short and easy for people to remember so they can find you again later on. A lot of YouTubers will include their full name or their company's name as the last part of their username for this reason.

Next up? A thumbnail! Your thumbnail is what people will see before they click play on one of your videos—so it must look good! I recommend working with someone who has experience creating thumbnails if you don't have any experience yourself or using Photoshop/Gimp for free software options. Here are some important pointers when designing thumbnails:

-Keep text out of the picture

-Choose high-resolution images (at least 1920 x 1080)

Choose your niche

YouTube is home to a multitude of different niches and interests. You can find anything from makeup tutorials to gaming channels. The best way to choose the niche that is right for you is to figure out what your favorite thing about YouTube is. Is it the comedy videos? The DIYs? The beauty reviews?

Once you've pinpointed your favorite genre, start looking at other channels in the same space and see if any of them inspire you or make you laugh. If so, go with something similar and jump in when the timing feels right!

Get on the right social media platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for reaching new customers and building a strong online presence. In our post on how to start a YouTube channel, we'll be focusing on two social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram.

Both platforms have an audience interested in what you have to offer. Facebook is the perfect platform for brands with products or services that can be easily explained in a short amount of time. Think about a company like Red Bull with a product that needs little explanation before it's being consumed. Instagram is better suited for brands with more tangible products or services, such as clothing, beauty products, etc. A good example of this would be Sephora or Birchbox

It's important to choose the right social media platform for your business when you're starting out. You don't want to spend time maintaining channels on sites where your target audience doesn't hang out!

Monetize your videos

Monetization is the process of making money from your videos. YouTube gives you a few ways to monetize your content, including:

- Displaying ads before or during your video

- Joining the YouTube Partner Program and running ads on your channel's videos

- Running sponsored content on your videos (meaning that a brand pays you for a video)

There are pros and cons to all of these options. For instance, if you monetized with ads before or during your video, it might irritate some viewers who don't want to see ads. But if you choose the sponsored content option, it might be difficult to find brands willing to sponsor content related to your niche.

Which way should you go? It really depends on what type of channels and videos you'll be posting. The best thing to do is an experiment and see what works best for you!

Growing Your Audience

As the old saying goes, "if you build it, they will come." It's important to think about the audience before you start creating content. Who is your target customer? What are their views on your industry? What do you want to talk about with them?

The first step in making a YouTube channel is to grow your audience. You can't create content that has an impact if no one is watching! There are two broad categories of ways to get people to watch your videos: social media and ads.

Social media channels, like Facebook and Twitter, are a good way for influencers to get their name out there. The more followers you have on these channels, the greater your reach will be. The more viewers you have on these channels, the better chance you'll have of converting someone into a subscriber for life!

You can also promote yourself through paid ads on social media or YouTube itself. These ads will target specific demographics and keywords relevant to your niche. If I'm making a video about gardening tips for beginners, then I can advertise it towards other videos about gardening or people searching related keywords like "gardening" or "plant care".


You've been dreaming about starting your own YouTube channel for a while. You know you have something to say and you think it would be very valuable to the world. But the thought of starting your own channel and putting in effort and time can be daunting.

No need to worry, we've created a 5-step guide to help you get started and grow your YouTube channel into something that will really help you get your message out there.