

How to Create Google Web Stories: A Step-by-Step Guide.

How to Create Google Web Stories: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Google Web Stories is an experimental storytelling format that combines text and video in a way that's easy to consume on the web. Google Web Stories use the same tools as traditional web stories, but adds an extra step of adding movement called "transitions." This step-by-step guide will teach you how to create both still storyboards and Google Web Stories using Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have created your first Google Web Story!

What is Google Web Stories?

Google Web Stories are a new storytelling format that combines text and video in a way that's easy to consume on the web. This format is made up of four parts: Static storyboards, transitions, animations, and soundtracks.

Static Storyboards

Static storyboards are still drawings or graphics which act as summaries of the story the writer wants to share with their readers. A static storyboard can be used as part of your Google Web Story or as an introduction for your YouTube videos.


Transitions are animated between static frames to create movement between scenes or moments in your Google Web Story. A transition can be anything from showing two people shaking hands to one person walking into a room.


Animations are animated graphics embedded within your Google Web Story that will enhance the telling of your story. Google Web Stories use the same tools as traditional web stories, but adds an extra step of adding movement called "transitions." Animations can be used to show something like water coming out of a faucet, fire burning, or someone eating food.

How to create the Google Web Story

This is a step-by-step guide on how to create a Google Web Story.

1. Create a storyboard

2. Add transitions

3. Publish to the web

How to Create a Still Storyboard

Using Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, you can create a storyboard. These storyboards will tell your readers exactly what they'll find when they click on your Google Web Story.

First, sketch out some rough ideas for how you want your story to look and feel. This is where you get to explore the dimensions and angles of your story. Once you've sketched out a few ideas, pick the one that best suits your needs and start creating it in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

Next, add text captions with relevant information about the parts of your photo or video. You can also specify background music if desired. Keep in mind that still storyboards are usually only one page long and contain only a photo or photo series followed by corresponding text captions

The basics of Google Web Stories

Google Web Stories are a new storytelling format that combines text and video in a way that's easy to consume on the web. They are created using the same tools as traditional web stories, but adds an extra step of adding movement called "transitions."

A Google Web Story is comprised of three elements: text, photos, and video. The text can be any type of copy you want. These could be words about your company or even a transcript from an interview with someone in your industry. You can also insert images or videos into your storyboard at any point.

How to use transitions & Starting the storyboard

The first step to creating a Google Web Story is deciding on the type of transition you want to use. Transitions are animated movements or effects that occur when you switch from one frame of your story to the next.

When designing your still storyboard, you'll want to select transitions that match the mood of your story. Use a smooth transition for a happy story or one with fast-paced action for an intense scene.

The type of transition you use will vary depending on how much time you have and what mood you're trying to represent in your Google Web Story.

Once you've decided on an appropriate transition, it's time to start building your storyboard! The first thing you'll need for this step is Adobe Photoshop CS4 or earlier, but Illustrator works just as well.

The first thing you'll want to do is create a new document and name it "Google Web Story" so that it's easy to find later on. Then click File > New > Document and set up the following options: Size: 1920 x 1080 Pixels; Resolution: 72 dpi; Color Mode: RGB; Background Contents: White. Once this is done, choose File > Save As and select "Google Web Story" as the


With Google Web Stories, you can create stories that are specifically designed for the web, and share them with your friends and family. It’s easy to make amazing stories with Google Web Stories, and it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Create your story.

2. Share your story on the web.

3. Tell your story with the Google Web Stories app.