

How To Get 4000 Watch Hours and 1000 Subscriptions on YouTube (Without Lying).

How I Get 4000 Watch Hours and 1000 Subscriptions on YouTube (Without Lying).

Ever wonder what it takes to make it big on YouTube? It's not as easy as you might think. You need a lot of subscribers and watch hours. The more you have, the better your chances of having your video go viral and getting tons of views. Everyone wants to be a successful YouTuber, but no one wants to put in the work. But I'm not going to lie about you-it's hard work! But if you want a guaranteed way to get those numbers up without putting in any actual effort, this isn't for you. If you're ready for some good old-fashioned hard work, read on to find out how I managed to get 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscriptions on YouTube by just being myself.

Learn how to be a successful YouTuber

The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of videos you're going to make.

Do you want to just show your day-to-day life? Is your creative passion cooking? Do you have a creative talent that isn't performing at the level you'd like it to be? Whatever your goal is, create a plan!

If you want to make cooking videos, make sure you have a kitchen and all the necessary equipment. If you want to talk about your day-to-day life, make sure there are plenty of opportunities for content. Once you have a plan, start filming!

Now that we've got the basics out of the way, let's get into some more detail on how I grew my YouTube channel.

I started by uploading videos every week on my channel. This way I could keep my audience engaged and coming back for more. It also kept me accountable because if I didn't film anything during the week, then it would be harder for me to upload something on Saturday or Sunday as per my schedule.

Then I started finding other channels with similar interests as mine and commenting on their posts with relevant information or questions related to their content. This helped me build relationships with other people in my

The importance of consistency

No one will watch your videos if you upload sporadically. There's no point in uploading a new video every couple of weeks if it's not going to be seen because no one subscribed or followed you. The bottom line is that consistency matters. You need to post regularly to keep people interested in what you're doing and keep them coming back for more.

In my experience, I've found that posting once a week is enough to maintain a decent subscriber rate, but a good rule of thumb is three videos per month. However, don't worry about sticking religiously to this schedule-you should really only post the content you have ready to go at any given time, but it's important not to fall too far behind.

If you do post every day or every other day, make sure that each video has something unique about it-maybe it's an event recap or perhaps some kind of challenge or announcement-to give subscribers something different from the last video they watched.

How to get a lot of watch hours and subscriptions

on YouTube

If you want people to subscribe to your channel, then you need to put in the effort. It's not enough to just post one video and wait for subscribers to flood in. You need to use social media, email lists, and other marketing tools to spread the word about your content. However, it's still possible to put up a video and get 1000 views within hours if it's something that is targeted towards the right audience.

It would be exhausting trying to figure out how to target an audience with videos before even filming them. But thankfully there are websites like Unruly that can help you determine what type of content will be most appealing for your desired audience.

You should always think about what your goals are before deciding on a topic for your video. If you're looking for quick subscribers and watch hours, then you should use Unruly Spark which helps generate ideas based on trending topics or popular keywords. If you're looking for long-term success, you should use Unruly Rocket which allows you to upload content without any research done ahead of time so viewers can find it organically

Why being yourself matters

The most important thing to remember when making a YouTube video is that you should just be yourself. People will take notice of your authenticity and won't want to watch someone who seems fake or tries too hard.

Plus, people have gotten really good at being able to tell the difference between what's real and what's not. They can spot a phony from a mile away. The more genuine you are, the better chance you have at getting noticed on YouTube.

I've found it beneficial to be myself in my videos because I'm confident in who I am as a person. I know my viewers appreciate me for being me, which makes it easier for them to connect with me. It doesn't feel like work because it's fun!

If you're looking for ways to stand out on YouTube, why not try being yourself? You might find that this strategy is all you need!

The Importance of Watch Hours and Subscriptions

One of the most important aspects of YouTube's success is watching hours. This is the total number of times your video has been watched. Basically, it's how long someone watches your video (though not continuously).

Subscriptions are also essential to YouTube's success. They're the number of people who have chosen to subscribe to your channel and receive notifications when you upload a new video.

The more watch hours and subscriptions you get, the more popular you'll become on YouTube. This will help get your videos trending, find them in search results easier, and make them more visible in general so that more people will see them.

My goal was to get 1000 subscribers in one month with no promotion whatsoever. But I knew I couldn't just sit back and wait for this to happen I had to put in some effort! I set up an Instagram account if my YouTube channel (@jocelyngarcia) and uploaded photos every day that related to my content or things I talk about on my channel. My goal was for people who liked my pictures on Instagram to click on the link in my bio that would take them over to my YouTube page where they could subscribe or watch any of my videos they wanted!

It took about two months

How I Got 4000 Watch Hours and 1000 Subscriptions on YouTube

To be a successful YouTuber, you need to have a few things going for you. You need to be interesting and entertaining, and you need to have a lot of time on your hands. With that said, not everyone has the luxury of all that free time. So what's the alternative?

The answer is simple: work smarter, not harder. I found a way to get 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers without spending any more time than I would have by myself. The best thing about this solution is that it can work for anyone!

I discovered how to use YouTube channels with large audiences to spend less time making videos and more time watching videos! All you have to do is find other YouTube channels with large audiences and start subscribing! When someone subscribes back to you, it counts as if they subscribed directly.


I’ve found that to be successful on YouTube, you really need to find your voice and be honest about what you’re creating. You can’t spend your time trying to please everyone with every video. You need to figure out who your audience is and start making videos for them.

I’ve found that consistency is key. I make at least one new video every two weeks, but you don’t need to adhere to this time frame when it doesn’t work for you. Just make sure you are updating your channel with new content regularly.

And finally, the most important thing I learned in all this is that being yourself works best. There is no need to try and be someone else just to get more followers or subscribers. The more genuine you are, the more people will want to watch your videos and that means better watch hours and more subscribers in your future.