

How to Be More Relatable and Engaging: 3 Tips for Getting Along With Others

How to Be More Relatable and Engaging: 3 Tips for Getting Along With Others

You want to be an engaging, relatable person. You know that being approachable is important for your personal life and your professional life. Yet, you often find yourself struggling to connect with other people or you can’t think of what to say. There are a few things that you can do to make interactions more enjoyable and open up opportunities for building friendships and relationships with others.

Here are three tips for getting along better with others: 

1) Listen more than you speak; 
2) Ask questions about their interests; 
3) Don’t criticize or judge someone who has different beliefs than you.

Why being relatable is important

If you want to be successful, then you need to be able to connect. This doesn't just apply to personal relationships, but also professional ones. Being able to connect with people will help you grow your business and bring in more customers.

It's important that you understand the importance of connecting with others in order for your business to thrive.

Tips for getting along better with others

It’s important that your interactions with others are positive. It’s not always easy to do that especially if you don’t know how to talk to people or you think you might be judged for not knowing what to say.

If you want to make interactions more enjoyable, there are a few things that you can do.

Listen more than you speak. Part of the art of making connections is listening. People like talking about themselves and they often want an opportunity to express how they feel or think about certain topics. So, all you have to do is listen and allow them the time to share without any interruptions.

Ask questions about their interests. If someone has taken the time to engage in conversation with you, it means they’re interested in learning more about what makes you tick or who else might interest them as well. They will appreciate it if you show any interest in what they’ve said so far by asking questions about something they mentioned earlier on in the conversation - especially if it was an area where they were really passionate about.

Don't criticize or judge someone who has different beliefs than him/herself than you do. When someone shares thoughts or opinions that are different from yours

Listen more than you speak

It sounds simple, but it’s so important. You want to be a good listener to have good conversations with others. When you ask questions and listen carefully to what people have to say, they will feel valued and open up more.

There are a few things that can help you keep a balance between listening and talking:

- Make eye contact with the person you're talking to. This shows that you're engaged in the conversation and interested in what they have to say.

- Pay attention to non-verbal cues from the other person. They might make gestures or expressions that show how they're feeling about what's being said. Notice those cues and react accordingly if needed.

- Use body language as well as your voice when conversing with another person. It can make them feel more at ease around you, which will lead to a better conversation overall!

Ask questions about their interests

The conversation is more likely to flow when you ask questions about their interests. This can be anything from asking what they do for a living or what their hobbies are, to asking how they feel about current events in the world. If you don’t know anyone in particular well, ask them what they think of the most recent episode of Game of Thrones or what they thought about that new movie out this week.

You may not want to ask someone these questions if they are not your close friend or family member. However, if you're looking for ways to get to know others better, these are the kind of questions that might help people open up and start talking with you more easily.

Don’t criticize or judge someone who has different beliefs than you

It’s easy to feel like you’re on the right side of an argument, and that those who disagree with you are wrong. But it’s important to remember that people come from different backgrounds and belief systems. It’s important to be respectful and compassionate.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion and we’ll never know everything there is to know about the world. So, we should always strive for empathy and understanding when it comes to others' beliefs.

For example, if someone is pro-life and you're pro-choice, you might not understand how they could believe what they do. You can try asking them questions about their beliefs as opposed to judging or criticizing them for those beliefs.


How To get along with others, you should be more relatable. Here are 3 tips to help you do that.

1. Listen more than you speak. This can be difficult when you have a lot to say, but it’s important.

2. Ask questions about their interests. This is a great way to find common ground to have a meaningful conversation with someone who is different from you.

3. Don’t criticize or judge someone who has different beliefs than you. You may not agree with their views, but you should be respectful of them.

If you want to get along with others, try being more relatable. These 3 tips will help you do that!