

How To Type Faster: 8 Actionable Tips To Increase Your Typing Speed

How To Type Faster: 8 Actionable Tips To Increase Your Typing Speed


If you're like most people, your typing speed has slowed down in recent years. Maybe it's because of the increasing demands of work or family life, or maybe it's just that you've gotten older and your fingers are less nimble than they used to be. Whatever the reason for this slowdown, there are plenty of ways to improve your typing speed—and the sooner you start taking steps toward improving it, the sooner you'll start seeing results!

Why You Need To Type Faster

Why You Need To Type Faster:

  • Increase your productivity and save time. Typing faster means you’re able to get more done, which means less time spent on other things that could be more productive. If you're constantly wasting valuable time in the office or at home doing a task that can be completed faster, then this is a win-win situation for both parties involved. It's also worth noting that when we talk about "typing speed" here, we mean typing accurately as well—not just getting through text faster than someone else who isn't as fast at typing (which would still be helpful). Plus, if you become more efficient at something like typing or cooking dinner every night instead of waiting until Friday night when everyone else returns from work then there will always seem like plenty of time left over for other activities like playing games with friends or watching television shows online!

What's Your WPM?

  • How do you calculate your WPM?

  • What is a good WPM?

  • How can I improve my typing speed?

Set a New Goal

  • Set a New Goal

  • Don't Be Afraid to Set a High Goal

  • Don't Be Afraid to Fail; It's Okay!

  • Don't Be Afraid to Succeed - Just Try!

Don’t be afraid of failing or trying something new, because it will make you stronger and better for it in the long run. When we set goals that are too small or too easy, we don’t challenge ourselves enough and can sometimes get discouraged with our progress if things aren’t going as planned out of our control (i.e., writing this article). But when we set goals that are too big or impossible for us at first glance then we risk not being successful at all which means even worse than just not trying at all because then there isn't even an opportunity for growth within ourselves!

Have Warm-Up Sessions

  • Warm up your hands and fingers before you start typing.

  • Use a keyboard that is comfortable to type on.

  • Use a keyboard with a good ergonomic design, so that it’s easy for you to type for long periods of time without getting tired or strained in any way. If possible, also look for one that has adjustable height and angle settings so that it can be adjusted according to how tall or short-legged you are (or if your hands are large compared to your body). This will make all the difference in terms of comfort when it comes time to enter those keys!

Pause and Stretch

Pause and stretch

When you type, your hands are moving almost constantly. If you want to improve your typing speed, this is a good place to focus on. You can do several things while typing that will help with the flow of information from your brain onto paper:

  • Stretch out each finger individually as it comes off the home key (or spacebar) so that it’s fully extended before hitting another key. This helps maintain proper alignment between fingers and wrists. It also keeps them loose enough so they can move freely without getting stuck in position or causing pain when moving around quickly or forcefully during an editing session for example..

Take Breaks

Studies show that taking breaks every 20 minutes can help you increase your typing speed by 10%.

If you want to make sure that your typing doesn't suffer during those breaks, here are some guidelines:

  • Don't take a break for more than 10 minutes at a time.

  • Don't take a break for more than 20 minutes at a time.

  • And if possible, don't step away from your computer screen for more than 30 minutes!

Practice Typing Blindfolded

If you are like me, and have poor vision, then a blindfold can be a great tool for practicing typing speed. I use one regularly when I'm practicing on my laptop and it allows me to focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about what's going on outside my field of view.

I set myself a goal for how many words I want to type each day and then track my progress in order to see if I'm making any progress toward achieving that goal. For example: "I want to type 1000 words per day by Friday," or "I want my average word count by October 31st" will help keep me motivated as well as provide direction when it comes time for improvement strategies!

This method works best if done consistently over long periods of time (at least several weeks), but even just 30 days is enough time for most people who don't already have super-fast typing skills!

Visualize the Keyboard

Visualizing the keyboard can be a great way to increase your typing speed. When you visualize, you're taking mental snapshots of what's happening in front of you. You're seeing things from a different angle and using your brain's logic rather than instinctive responses.

Visualizing the keyboard is easy: just imagine that it's really there! Think about each key as though it has its own name and color, so that when you see the keys on paper or screen, they'll pop into focus for easier viewing. This may seem silly at first—but if done correctly, this technique will make all the difference in how quickly and accurately we type our words onto computers or phones...and no one wants to be late for anything!

Improve Your Accuracy

  • Focus on accuracy.

  • Focus on the keys you use most often.

  • Learn to type without looking at the keyboard or screen.

  • Practice typing in your head while watching TV, listening to music and even talking on your phone.

Typing faster improves your productivity.

Typing faster improves your productivity.

  • You'll make fewer mistakes, which means that you'll be less likely to miss deadlines or experience other problems caused by typos.

  • You'll be more efficient in the work that needs to get done, reducing the amount of time spent on tasks like research and editing documents.

  • Faster typing also increases accuracy, which can help improve how easy it is for others to understand what you're saying when they read something that was written by someone who typed fast (like me).


If you’re serious about increasing your typing speed, then these tips will help. The first thing to do is set yourself a new goal and see how far you can go. Once you have that in mind, start working on techniques that will help improve your accuracy and consistency. The more you practice the better it will be for everyone involved