

How To Finely Chop An Onion: The Quick and Easy Guide.

How To Finely Chop An Onion: The Quick and Easy Guide.

The next time you find yourself chopping an onion, try this tip. Slice off the end of the onion and peel off the skin. In a small pot, add water and place the onion in the pot. Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it. Remove from heat, drain the water from the pot, and cut it in half---longways. Now remove both ends of each half and cut it again lengthwise, but not all the way through, so that there are 8 equal pieces. Finally, chop each piece finely with a knife or a food processor.

Slice off the end of the onion

and peel off the skin

When you cut an onion, it's the sulfuric acid in the onion that causes you to cry. When you cut off the ends of an onion before slicing it, you remove that part of the onion that contains the most amount of sulfuric acid. This means that when you slice your onion, the slices won't get into your eyes and make them watery.

Onions are made up of many layers. The innermost layer is called the "core" and is where all of the sulfuric acids are stored. So by cutting off both ends before slicing it longways, you're cutting through this center layer and removing more of the onions' acid.

Now, if you like your onions finely chopped, all it takes is a few quick cuts with a knife or food processor to do so!

Peel off the skin


This sounds like a long process, but it's actually quite easy. Slice off the end of the onion and remove the skin. You can then boil the onion in water for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it. Remove from heat, drain the water from the pot, and cut it in half---longways. Now remove both ends of each half and cut it again lengthwise, but not all the way through, so that there are 8 equal pieces. Finally, chop each piece finely with a knife or food processor.

Add water to a pot & Place onion in the pot

Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it.

Remove from heat, drain the water from the pot, and cut it in half---longways.

Now remove both ends of each half and cut it again lengthwise, but not all the way through, so that there are 8 equal pieces.

Finally, chop each piece finely with a knife or food processor.

Boil it for 5-10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it


There are so many reasons why boiling is the best way to cook an onion. Boiling not only makes it easier to peel but also cuts cooking time in half. This allows for less chance of burning or over-cooking the onion.

One of the best ways to boil an onion would be to cut off the end and peel off the skin before placing it into a small pot filled with water. Then boil it for 5-10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it before draining, cutting, and chopping as desired.

Drain water from the pot and cut the onion in half lengthwise

There's a reason why chopping an onion is a task that most people dread. It typically requires a lot of patience and a steady hand.

Fortunately, there is a way to chop an onion without all the tears---just follow these simple instructions: Slice off the end of the onion and peel off the skin. In a small pot, add water and place the onion in the pot. Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can easily insert a fork into it. Remove from heat, drain the water from the pot, and cut it in half---longways. Now remove both ends of each half and cut it again lengthwise, but not all the way through, so that there are 8 equal pieces. Finally, chop each piece finely with a knife or food processor.

The next time you find yourself chopping an onion, try this tip!

Cut each piece of the onion lengthwise, but not all the way through, so that there are 8 equal pieces

This handy kitchen tip can save you time and effort in the kitchen. This is a simple way to cut an onion quickly and will help you avoid tears!

Now, the next time you want to cook with onions, try this easy method.

Finally, chop each piece finely with a knife or food processor.

You'll have a lot fewer tears this way.