

How To Fold A Shirt In Under 2 Seconds: The Best Method.

How To Fold A Shirt In Under 2 Seconds: The Best Method.

Do you have trouble working with shirts when trying to fold them? You’re not alone. There are so many different ways to fold them, the most common of which is the one-two-three-four method, but it can take time and isn’t always effective. It’s hard to get that perfect square shape. The best way to fold a shirt in under two seconds is by using the two-step method. It’s quick, easy, and ensures an awesome end result. This article will show you how to do it properly!

The two-stepping method

The first step is to take the shirt and fold it horizontally in half, so that the sleeves are on one side and the body is on the other. Now fold it vertically in half, again making sure that the sleeves are one side and the body is on the other. You should now have a shirt that looks like a small rectangle, with a line running down the middle of it.

Next, take either end of this rectangle and bring it up to meet at the centerline. Now use your hands to flatten out any wrinkles or creases. Finally, pull each corner of this newly-formed square to make sure you have a nice flat top. You should now have a folded shirt ready for storage!

What to do with the sleeves

The first step in this method is to fold the sleeves in half and then into a triangle shape. You can use one hand to hold the shirt together while using your other hand to pull the sleeves up.

In order to finish off this step, neaten up any stray edges of fabric with your fingers.

Caring for your shirts

When it comes to caring for your shirts, you have two options. You can either dry clean or machine wash them.

Dry cleaning is great for spots on your shirt that are too difficult to remove by hand washing. Machine washing will work for more general dirt stains and odors.

If you plan on machine washing the shirt, be sure to use a dedicated detergent that is specifically designed for color-treated clothing. This type of detergent will help keep your clothes brighter and more vibrant in color.

As for drying, if you want to preserve the shape of your shirts, don't put them in the dryer! Hang them up when they're done with their wash cycle instead.

Why The 2-Step Method Is Better

Shirt folding can get pretty frustrating. With all the different methods out there, it's difficult to find the best one. There are shirts that are folded in fours, thirds, halves, and more! Some people use a shirt dresser to press their shirts into that perfect shape, but they cost money. The two-step method is the perfect solution to your problems with folding in general.

The two-step method is fast and effective at producing a neat result. It provides an easy way for people who don't know how to fold a shirt properly to get it done in under two seconds. We'll show you the steps below!

Step 1: Fold in half lengthwise

Step 2: Fold in half width-wise

How To Use The 2-Step Method

Start by folding the shirt in half lengthwise, like you would fold a business letter. Next, fold it back in half, this time width-wise. Finally, you’ll want to take both of the loose ends and tuck them under the shirt. This will create an awesome square shape that can fit easily into your dresser or laundry hamper.

How to Fold a Shirt in Under Two Seconds.

There are plenty of ways to fold a shirt. You can fold it in the one-two-three-four method, for example, but it can take time and not always be effective. The two-step method is quick and ensures an end result that's perfect every time.


If you're looking for a new way to fold your shirts, the two-step method is the way to go. This easy and fast process will save you time and give you a more organized closet.