

How To Make A Protein Shake: The Simplest, Easiest Recipe For Good Health.

How To Make A Protein Shake: The Simplest, Easiest Recipe For Good Health.

Protein shakes can help you lose weight and build muscle. Just drink them during or after a workout to refuel your body with the amino acids it needs.

The good news is, making a protein shake couldn't be easier. All you need is milk, a blender, and some of your favorite fruits and vegetables. Start with one cup of milk and add in your favorite fruit or vegetable- we recommend bananas for potassium and apples for vitamin C. Add both to the blender along with two tablespoons of protein powder (we like vanilla), an ice cube, and nutmeg (optional). That's all there is to it! Mix until blended, pour into a glass, and enjoy!

What is a protein shake?

A protein shake is something we think everyone needs in their life. Whether you're an athlete, a gym-goer, or just someone who wants to lose weight and build muscle, this drink can help you do it all!

In this post, we find out what protein shakes are and how they can benefit your life.

Why you should drink a protein shake

Protein shakes are one of the easiest ways to get your daily protein intake for many reasons.

First off, it's really easy to make them. Shakes are most commonly made with milk, protein powder, and some fruit or vegetable like bananas or apples. All you need is a blender and you're all set!

They also help you lose weight. Protein shakes provide the amino acids your body needs to build muscle, which is good news if you want to lose weight (which most people do!). They prevent muscle loss when on a calorie restrictive diet and can increase fat burning.

And they taste good! Most people think that protein shakes only taste good because they're also healthy for you—but there's no need to sacrifice taste just to be healthy. Protein powder has gotten so much better over the years that it now tastes great without any additional ingredients or sugar added!

The benefits of drinking a protein shake

Protein shakes are a convenient way to consume protein. They are easy to make, taste great, and can be used in a number of ways.

How often should you drink them? The answer will depend on your goals. If you're looking for weight loss benefits, it's best to drink one post workout shake per day while exercising regularly. If you're trying to build muscle, drinking one after working out is sufficient.

Are protein shakes all they're cracked up to be? Maybe or maybe not. If you have trouble swallowing solids because of previous surgery or injury, protein shakes could be a great option for you! However, if you can easily chew and swallow solids, it's probably best to opt for whole foods which contain more nutrients than most protein shakes.

How to make a protein shake

It's important to understand how to make a protein shake. Protein shakes are an easy and affordable way to get the nutrients you need, especially if you don't have time for a meal. Making a protein shake is as simple as making any other smoothie. Just follow these three steps:

Step One: Choose your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Some of the best fruits and potatoes for making a protein shake are bananas, oranges, apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwis, grapes and cherries. You can also use veggies like pineapple or frozen green peas.

Step Two: Pick your favorite protein powder flavor.

Protein powders come in many different flavors including vanilla almond crunch, chocolate coconut almond fudge and strawberry banana cream pie. Pick one that tastes good to you!

Step Three: Mix it all together!

Blend the fruit or vegetable of your choice with milk until you reach your desired thickness (most people prefer a thinner consistency). Add in two tablespoons of protein powder along with an ice cube and lastly sprinkle on some nutmeg (optional). Blend until well mixed then pour into a glass. Enjoy!

Ingredients for your protein shake

1 cup of milk

2 tablespoons of protein powder (we like vanilla)

1 banana or apple (depending on your preference)

1 teaspoon of nutmeg (optional)

1/2 cup of frozen fruit (we recommend blueberries!)

An ice cube

Recipe for your protein shake.

You can make a protein shake in minutes. All you need is milk, a blender, and some of your favorite fruits and vegetables. We recommend bananas for potassium and apples for vitamin C. Add both to the blender along with two tablespoons of protein powder (we like vanilla), an ice cube, and nutmeg (optional). Mix until blended, pour into a glass, and enjoy!


Protein shakes are a delicious, easy, and healthy way to get the recommended daily allowance of protein in your diet. Whether you are trying to build muscle, lose weight, or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, these shakes can help. Plus, they taste great! With so many different blends and flavors on the market, you can find one that fits your taste and lifestyle. So go ahead and shake up your health with a protein shake!