

How to escape the trap of poverty? 6 Strategies for Escaping the Trap of Poverty

6 Strategies for Escaping the Trap of Poverty (And Helping Your Friends Do the Same)

Poverty isn’t something that can be fixed overnight. It is a complex issue involving access to education, job opportunities and financial literacy. While there are many organizations working to eradicate poverty and its effects, it is often those who are in the midst of this struggle that need help the most. If you know someone – or even if you currently fall into this category yourself – experiencing the effects of poverty, read on for some advice on the best ways to escape it. The road out of poverty is not easy, but with the right support system in place, anyone can do it. Poverty doesn’t just affect your finances; it also has a negative impact on your social life, self-esteem and mental health. However, these challenges also present an opportunity for personal growth and strength. If you find yourself in this situation – or know someone who does – read on for six strategies for escaping the trap of poverty and helping your friends do the same.

Make a Plan and Stick to It

When you’re living in poverty, it can be easy to feel like you’re trapped. However, one key to escaping this trap is to make a plan and stick to it. This can involve literally writing down the steps you need to take to escape the cycle of poverty. Having a clear plan in place can make it easier to stay positive, motivated and hopeful when things get difficult. It can also help you to prioritize your needs and goals. When creating your plan, it’s important not just to write down the obvious goals, like “get a better job.” You will also want to consider things like: Where will you live? How will you pay your bills? How will you get the skills you need to advance in your career? Working toward multiple goals at once can be challenging, but it is important to remain focused on your overall plan. When creating your poverty-escape plan, it can also be helpful to consider how other people escaped poverty. For example, you can learn a lot from the story of Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned for 27 years, but he never stopped believing he would triumph in the end.

Build Your Vocabulary

If you or someone you know is experiencing poverty, it can be helpful to know that there is a word for this condition: “poverty.” Many people living in poverty suffer from low self-esteem or feelings of shame or inadequacy when they don’t understand that this is a temporary situation. Even if you are receiving public assistance and are not ashamed of your situation, you may be surrounded by people who have a negative view of people on government assistance. This can leave you feeling alone and misunderstood, further entrenching your feelings of shame. When you know the word for this condition and understand that everyone has the potential to escape it, it can be easier to accept your situation and start to heal the damage it has caused your sense of self.

Network and Meet New People

While isolation and loneliness are common effects of poverty, they are also some of its biggest causes. If you find yourself in a situation where you are lacking social support, it is important to make new friends – especially people who are working toward the same goals as you. Getting involved in social groups or clubs in your area can be a great way to meet new people who are dealing with similar challenges. If you are struggling with poverty, it can also be helpful to make connections with people who have “gotten out” of poverty and can offer support and guidance. If you know someone who has escaped poverty, ask them to coffee or invite them to join you for a walk. You might be surprised by how easy it is to start a conversation about this topic!

Commit to Becoming Financially Literate

Financial literacy is one of the most effective ways to climb out of poverty. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to commit to becoming financially literate. This can be an extremely challenging task, but there are many ways to start. If you have access to free financial literacy programs in your city, consider signing up. If not, you can also find helpful information online. It is also important to make this commitment in a way that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you are a stay-at-home parent, it might make the most sense for you to make a verbal commitment. If you are in school or have other commitments, you may want to make your commitment in writing.

Help Others Escaping Poverty

Helping others can be a great way to lift your mood and regain your self-confidence. Consider reaching out to an organization that works to end poverty, or volunteer at a food bank in your area. This can help you feel more empowered while also providing support to others in need. If you are in a position to offer job coaching or training, you may be able to help a friend escape poverty. Consider offering one-on-one coaching to someone who needs help getting their foot in the door. You might also be able to help groups of friends by offering to teach a skill at a low cost. For example, if you are a hairdresser, you could offer your services to friends for a very low price or for free.


Poverty has many negative effects, but escaping it can also be a great opportunity for personal growth. If you are experiencing poverty, it is important to recognize that this is a temporary situation. It is also important to remember that you are not alone and there are many ways to get the support you need to climb out of poverty. It is easier than you might think.